PELLA is different. For many years the company PELLA has been following the consistent and successful way of sustainable management in the range of ecology and economy and is committed to its production location in Valdengo, Italy. While most sportswear suppliers ceased their own production or respectively outsourced manufacturing to Far-East low-wage countries, PELLA has always been a driving force in manufacturing in Italy and in Europe according to ethical and eco-friendly criteria with competent and motivated employees.
Quality, function and durability are the focus. It is a pure Made in ITALY product – from development to finishing. The entire production process is made in Italy using renewable energy sources (Pella in fact has invested since 2012 on a photovoltaic system that fulfils all energy needs and zeroing CO2 emissions in the environment) and water-based inks that meet the strictest regulations (REACH). All the selected fabrics are produced in Italy according to OEKO-TEX® criteria.
PELLA enjoys its customers confidence when looking for quality, service, and security in sportswear. There is a fair price/performance ratio for products which are safe to use and are manufactured with environmental responsibility. The fabrics are pre-tested in a climatic chamber inside the laboratories of “Politecnico di Torino” (Biella branch). Researchers select only the fibres that can ensure the best performance.
PELLA is different. Ecological, economic and social comparison with an Italian production facility is pointless – in low-wage countries there are hardly any obligations for social standards, ecological production, work flows, waste managements, or even, in some case, human rights.
PELLA is committed to living up to the claim “premium brand from Italy”. We offer innovative sportswear in superior design for highest comfort and durable vitality specifically to endurance athletes. Economic success along with efficient dedication of all resources and employees at the location in Valdengo should safeguard the future.